Emergency Response for Diesel Spill

Emergency Response for Diesel Spill

Enva provided Emergency Spill Response services to Limerick County Council and Inland Fisheries Ireland following a diesel spill into a local river. The river was a spawning ground for trout and salmon.

Client Issue

Diesel Spill into Local River

Following routine cleaning and dredging works on a drain, surface water was released. Unknown to the operative, the surface water was contaminated with diesel and escaped into a local river. This river was a spawning ground for trout and salmon and a local farmer contacted Inland Fisheries Ireland who in turn contacted Limerick County Council and Enva.

Enva Approach

Spill Containment and Clean-up

The diesel contamination originated from a previous road accident in which the diesel tank on a lorry ruptured. The contaminants became lodged in the drain and were released by accident into the river.

Access to the river was difficult due to adverse weather conditions and waterlogged fields but the Enva operatives manually transported booms, absorbent mats and UN drums to the spill location. The river was heavily boomed to contain the spill and absorbent mats were used to remove the diesel contaminant.  The clean-up and removal of all contamination was completed in 5 days.

In addition to the on-site remediation, all of the materials used in the clean-up were packaged by Enva operatives into UN drums and transported to our EPA licensed facility for treatment.


