Food Waste Recycling & Collection

Food Waste Recycling & Collection

Did you know? Over a year the average family throws away £680 worth of food, enough to cover an average annual utility bill.

Why food waste recycling is important

A staggering 18 million tonnes of waste food from the UK ends up in landfill. A third of this waste comes from producers / supply chain, a third from retailers, and a third from households. Over a year, the average household throws away £680 of food, which is enough to cover the average utility bill. The most commonly wasted foods are potatoes, bread slices and apples, while salad items are thrown away in the greatest proportion.

Most of this food waste ends up in landfill sites, where it then rots and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, which is very damaging to the environment. The implications of this for global warming and climate change are enormous. Landfill is also the most expensive way to recycle food waste. In 2012, recycling a tonne of food waste costs at least £44 less than sending it to landfill, and landfill tax is rising by £8/tonne every year.

Businesses and homes are being encouraged to contribute to a more sustainable economy and divert food waste towards recycling or renewable energy causes.

Removing food from your waste stream may also save money in processing costs for the remainder of your recycled waste so you can reduce carbon, increase recycling rates and reduce overall waste.

About our food waste recycling services

We have signed up to a zero waste to landfill commitment, and we are dedicated to helping our customers reduce their environment impact. Wastecycle can provide a full food waste segregated collection service. The food waste that we collect is directed to either a fully permitted in-vessel composting or anerobic digestion facility, where it is used to produce a soil improver product to PAS100 standard, as well as recover energy.

Find out more about how we can help with your food waste recycling! Contact us or complete our contact form at the bottom of the page.


