University of Nottingham Plastics Working Group

University of Nottingham Plastics Working Group

With plastics currently a hot topic, the University of Nottingham decided to look internally and review how they use plastics in different areas. With strong leadership from the Vice-Chancellor, a working group was set-up to facilitate positive change.

The Vice-Chancellor requested the University look at plastic consumption to review how they use plastics as an organisation. A working group was set up to meet on a monthly basis and take part in pro-active discussions to devise targets and strategies for plastics waste reduction. 

The working group is made up of members of:

  • Director of Sustainability
  • Sustainability Team members
  • Catering
  • Procurement
  • Professor of the Sustainable Chemistry Building
  • Laboratory Technicians
  • Internal Communications
  • Student’s Union (SU)
  • Enva

In addition to the working group, an initial survey was conducted which invited staff, students and other stakeholders to share their views on the use of plastics on site. An excellent response rate was achieved, and the findings influenced the overall strategy which established that the initial focus should be on the catering functions across the University. 

Key targets and actions

Cut hot drink cup waste by 50% by August 2020.

  • To achieve this, reusable coffee cups will be sold across all University outlets and a penalty charge/discount scheme will be introduced at all University and SU outlets. 

Reduce the amount of plastic bottles binned by 30% by August 2020.

  • New water fountains will be installed on the UK campuses and the availability of either tap water or a fountain will be made clearly visible at all catering outlets. 

Remove plastic straws front of house from all University-run outlets and investigate ways in which single-use plastic cutlery usage can be reduced.

  • Plastic straws will be replaced with a paper alternative at all University-run catering outlets.

Mid/long term planning

In addition to the specific action points, the University will continually review its sites and procurement processes to examine where the areas of single-use plastics can be reduced. Areas for consideration include:

  • Lobby third party outlets on campus to reduce use of single-use plastics 
  • Review removal of disposable plastic cups at water coolers 
  • Look into an alternative for single-use plastic cups in bars where glass is not appropriate

To support the actions and aid in achieving targets, a communications campaign will be developed to increase awareness of what happens to waste generated on campus and encourage a reduction in use of single-use plastic across the UK campuses. This will include:

  • Implement signage across University and SU-run outlets to inform and inspire individuals to adopt more sustainable behaviours around waste
  • Implement enhanced bin signage around all university and SU catering outlets to encourage improved waste disposal
  • Make water fountains and refreshment points more visible through mapping and signposting
  • Set halls, departments and schools specific challenges and targets to reduce single-use plastics - bespoke pledge for each department (e.g. school of chemistry will phase out plastic pipettes)
  • Develop and launch online training module on plastics
  • Improve information on how waste at the University is handled and the recycling process
  • Development of blogs, videos and other informative content to broaden knowledge across the University community on issues around single-use plastics

Moving Forward

The Working Group will meet once a month to continually asses and report on campaign process. 
Each month, an analysis of activity takes place and progress is checked and reported against targets to decide on actions for the following month. 

Furthermore, following the success of the survey carried out at the beginning of the project, additional surveys will be carried out at timely intervals to assess any behavioural or opinion changes.


