Nottingham City Council & Wastecycle

Nottingham City Council & Wastecycle

The East Midlands’ leading resource management and recycling company, Wastecycle, will continue its work with Nottingham City Council following being awarded an initial two-year contract, with a three-year extension option.

Kevan Wilcockson, Compliance & Development Director at Wastecycle, said: “We’ve worked with Nottingham City Council for over ten years, delivering high levels of recycling and recovery – and in that time, we’ve made a substantial investment in our facilities to help boost recycling rates for Nottingham residents.

“We couldn’t be happier about continuing our relationship with Nottingham City Council. Not only has the team there been highly professional and a pleasure to work with over the past decade, but since our materials recycling facility is located close to the city, we’re thrilled about being able to use our site and services to make a difference in our local community.”

The contract started at the beginning of April and will see Wastecycle manage the waste from approximately 115,000 households in the city. The company expects to process a total of over 45,000 tonnes per year under the Contract, including domestic co-mingled dry recyclables; hardcore and highways arisings; transfer station wastes; municipal waste streams; wood; and garden waste.

Kevan continued: “Our aim is to recycle most of the waste delivered by the city into quality-assured products and commodities, with the remainder being sent for energy recovery.”

Cllr Alan Clark, Portfolio Holder for Energy and Sustainability with Nottingham City Council, said: “We are delighted to be able to continue our successful relationship with Wastecycle for the next two or more years.

“The contract was tendered under EU procurement laws and in line with our own financial regulations, in which Wastecycle was again the successful bidder (70% price by some margin).

“This now takes our partnership of working together to 14 years circa 2002. During that time, innovation in residual waste treatment has cut our landfill by half of waste they handle.”


