Health Risk Waste (HRW)

Health Risk Waste (HRW)

Enva is proposing to construct a state-of-the-art processing facility that will safely treat HRW. As an added sustainable benefit, and once the waste is treated, it will be used to generate electricity which will be transmitted into the National Grid displacing the use of fossil fuels in the process.

As well as the environmental benefits this will provide, the development will add significant and necessary capacity to the healthcare sector. Renewable energy will be generated on site through the installation of solar panels which will further reduce our carbon footprint.

Read the proposal  |  Read the press release |  

Planning Pack

IE000113 - ABP Cover Letter P01

Cover Letter An Taisce F01

Cover Letter Department of Defence F01

Cover Letter Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications F01

Cover Letter Dublin City Council F01

Cover Letter Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council F01

Cover Letter Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly F01

Cover Letter Environmental Protection Agency F01

Cover Letter Fingal County Council F01

Cover Letter Health Service Executive F01

Cover Letter South Dublin County Council F01

Cover Letter Transport Infrastructure Ireland F01

Cover Letter Uisce Éireann F01

IE000113 - List Of Prescribed Bodies

IE000113 - Newspaper notice as Published F02 redline

IE000113 - SID Application Form F03 (w consult)

IE000113 - Site Notice F02.1

IE000113 - EIA portal confirmation Notice ID 2024065a

IE000113 – Volume Planning Report F02 (cover)

IE000113 – Volume 1 EIAR Non-Technical Summary F01

IE000113 – Volume 2 Main Report

IE000113 – Volume 3 Technical Appendices F01

IE000113 – AA Screening Final F01

Drawing Pack

Comments or Questions

Correspondence can be sent via email to or by post to:
Community Liaison Officer, Enva Ireland Ltd, 402 Grant’s Drive, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin, D24 AP04.


